Simplify the brewing process by eliminating the drawdown until you're ready. Simply place a filter and coffee into the dripper, then fill with hot water. When your desired steep time has been reached, just press the switch, which releases the freshly brewed coffee into your cup. Perfect extraction, simplified.
How-to Use
The Switch immersion dripper simplifies the V60 brewing process by eliminating the drawdown until you're ready so you get as much extraction as you want.
Simply place a V60-02 size paper filter and ground coffee into the glass dripper, then gently fill with fresh hot water. Then, when your desired steep time has been reached, just press the switch on the base, which releases the freshly brewed coffee into your cup. Perfect extraction, simplified.
Capacity: 200ml (6.76oz)
Dishwasher Safe
Heatproof Glass Dripper
Stainless Steel Ball and Filter
PCT Resin Switch
Silicone Rubber Base
AS Resin Lid
All Parts Made in Japan
Includes 40 V60-02 filters