Our Hats By The Hundred Hat Stand is the perfect piece for every hat lover. It has been crafted from high-quality wood with durability and style in mind. When your not wearing your hat, the dome shape and design of this stand will assist with maintaining your hats shape and longevity. Not to mention, this beautiful wooden hat stand is also perfect to use when putting your hat collection on display.
Natural Wooden Hat Stand
Dome Shape top to help your hats keep their shape
Suitable for home or commercial use
Quality, hardwearing and durable materials used
Ships as a flat pack to be assembled.
Dimensions: Top - 15cm x Base - 16.5cm x Height - 32.5cm
- The carefully constructed rounded wooden stem and round base are perfectly balanced to ensure this stand is sturdy and stays upright with any hat
Our company has been a leading establishment in selling hats since 1984 and have sold over one million hats worldwide. We own and run the largest hat store in Australia, situated on none other than the radiant Gold Coast. We ship to over 100 countries and have 16 years experience in mail ordering and over 10 years experience in e-commerce. YOU are in great hands when you buy from us.
We pack each product with extra care and ship to you as fast as we can, using the worlds’ best shipping services. We ensure the shipping services we utilise are dependable and capable of providing you and your purchase with the care and respect you deserve, as well as providing alternate shipping options depending on your urgency for the product delivery.